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12 April 2009

Latest make up tips

As the old adage says, the eyes are the windows to the soul, this may be true for it has the ability to express emotion even without a word being said. Hot and bright colors are in when the temperature starts to rise to new heights and what better way to face the world on a hot summer night on the town that with bright, bold and alluring eyes.
First prime the underneath of your eyes and eye lids with some matte foundation which makes the skin better to handle. Get hold of a slanted brush and starting from the point near the nose, dab some of your favorite colors extending it out from the eyes outwards.
Then use a same colored eye liner and line the bottom of the eyes to match the upper shade. Use a contrasting color on the work you did above the lids extending outwards to go inline with the first shade of color you chose extending the curvature of the lids when closed till the mid-point of the eye and the temple.
With an eyeshadow brush, apply the same shade on the lower part under the eye to join with the upper side to complete the look, now you get alluring eyes. They may be too dramatic for a casual day, so skip the second shade to make it simpler and lessen the drama of your eyes.



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