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25 November 2008

Try Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Creaky knees

Many researchers think this combination reduces inflammation and boosts hydration of joint cartilage. A review of 15 studies found that these supplements improve mobility. The largest trials so far found that 1,500mg of glucosamine combined with 1,200mg of chondroitin (a component of cartilage) safely relieves moderate to severe knee pain. If you have diabetes, first check with your doctor. Glucosamine can affect glucose metabolism and may interfere with medication. You can also try ginger and turmeric supplements, which contain anti-inflammatory compounds.

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01 November 2008

The Art of Being Beautiful

Get to know the parts that will keep you healthy, energetic and vibrant for decades to come. To look our best as we grow older, we need to understand how we age. After 40, our bodies start to undergo a series of changes. You may have noticed a few already: a slight crease around your eyes, creaky knees, a momentary memory lapse. These are signs that our body’s key systems – our skin, bones and joints, heart and brain are starting to feel the effects of aging. The good news is making simple, specific changes to your diet, exercise routine, and stress level will keep these key systems healthy now, in 10 years, and for the rest of your life. There are a lot of steps and regimen that can be found on how aging occurs, and show you the steps you can take now that will not only add years to your life, but ensure that you live those years looking and feeling your best.

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